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    Dicas e melhores alturas para o desbaste de maçãs

    Sevin® is registered for apple thinning and may be used to chemically thin apples for increased quality, but label directions must be carefully followed. Many factors influence the degree of thinning achieved. Timing of spray, tree age, variety, nutrition, previous crop load, pruning, the degree of bloom set, weather and the use of other chemical...


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    Psila asiática dos citrinos

    Asian Citrus Psyllid (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama) (ACP) is an economically important pest in some citrus growing regions such as Florida. The pest carries or vectors Huanglongbing (HLB) or Citrus Greening Disease, a devastating disease of citrus trees.


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    Proteger os polinizadores

    Best Management Practices for Sevin Carbaryl Insecticide The effect of Sevin® carbaryl insecticide, on bee and other pollinator populations is an important consideration when preparing to make an application to agricultural crops.


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    Informações sobre a saúde das plantas

    Periods of excessive heat and sunlight during critical stages of growth can negatively impact crop quality and overall yields. When ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) light levels rise, and temperatures go beyond a plants optimum, heat-stressed plants will wilt, their stomata close and photosynthetic processes stop.


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    Infestação de sugador-castanho-marmoreado

    Use Surround Crop Protectant to suppress BMSB! EPA registered for the suppression of stink bugs in apple, pear and tree nut crops, Surround® Crop Protectant is an effective tool, when used in a comprehensive IPM program, to manage the threat from the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB).


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    Vídeo: Melhorar a saúde das plantas

    Watch the animation that demonstrates how plant health can actually be enhanced in extreme temperatures through the application of Surround® and Purshade®.


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    Vídeo: Proteção solar e contra insetos orgânicos

    This video explains more about the added value Surround provides as an OMRI-certified insecticide in addition to its proven value as a sun protectant.


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    Vídeo: Proteção contra queimadura solar e stress térmico

    You can't control sunlight, but you can learn how a pair of patented NovaSource products can help make your plants more productive in extreme sun and heat stress. Watch now.


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    Vídeo: Protetor solar para as suas culturas

    Surround crop protectant and Purshade solar protectant enable you to manage intense sunlight and high heat to achieve the maximum possible yields. Learn more.


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    Vídeo: Utilizar a água de forma mais eficiente

    Learn more about ways that Surround® and Purshade® can create more efficient use of water by keeping plants cooler in extreme temperatures.


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    Melhorar a saúde da bananeira

    Ensaios de campo na Costa Rica comprovam a eficácia da utilização de Surround® em bananas Um extenso estudo de campo de três anos realizado na Costa Rica pelo investigador altamente respeitado Miguel González, da CORBANA, resultou num sucesso considerável ao utilizar a proteção de culturas Surround® em bananas. As partículas de caulino com alto...


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