Residual and Burndown Control in Glyphosate-tolerant Soybeans


A Proven Option for Reliable Residual and Burndown Control in Glyphosate-tolerant Soybeans

Growers are discovering that they need to use a preemergence herbicide such as Linex® 4L as a foundation for their postemergence program. Early season residual control of grasses and broadleaf weeds by LINEX 4L allows growers more flexibility to target their postemergence herbicide applications for maximum yields and cleaner fields at harvest.

Unique Benefits of LINEX 4L

A preemergence application of LINEX 4L delivers effective residual control in all types of soybean seed systems including Roundup Ready®/STS® stacked trait soybeans and conventional soybeans.

LINEX 4L is a photosystem II (PSII) inhibiting herbicide that provides effective residual control of several key small-seeded broadleaf weeds. LINEX 4L acts at a different binding site from many other PSII herbicides (like atrazine), and can break the cycle of continual triazine use which results in better control of resistant weeds, making LINEX 4L an effective addition to many soybean programs on 1 percent to 3 percent organic matter soils.

Conventional or Minimum Tillage

LINEX 4L applied preemergence up to 30 days prior to soybean planting and before soybean emergence provides control or suppression of many key grasses and broadleaf weeds, to give your glyphosate-tolerant soybeans a strong start in the spring. Ask your local crop consultant or NovaSource representative for specific recommendations.

No-till Soybeans

LINEX 4L is recommended as a tank mix foundation herbicide for no-till soybean production.

PRE Followed by Glyphosate-based Post Program
Situation Recommendation
To provide added residual activity or burndown activity on emerged weeds, preemergence applications of LINEX 4L may be tank mixed with full or reduced rates of other products registered for use in soybeans. Preemergence Postemergence

LINEX 4L 1.0-1.6 pint / Acre

Rate per acre depends upon:

  • Soil texture and organic matter
  • Level of residual control desired

Glyphosate-tolerant soybean varieties.

Your favorite glyphosate-based POST program.

Application Information
  • LINEX 4L must be applied before the soybean crop emerges.
  • When using LINEX 4L for burndown, always add crop oil concentrate at 1 percent v/v (1 gallon per 100 gallons of spray solution) and 0.375 ounce per acre Synchrony® XP or 1 pint per acre 2,4-D LVE. 2,4-D applications must be made at least 7 days prior to planting.
  • For burndown of weeds not controlled by LINEX 4L, other burndown products may be tank mixed with LINEX 4L

Seedling Weeds Controlled with Burndown Applications of LINEX 4L

Broadleaf Weeds Grasses
  • Beggarweed, Florida
  • Buckwheat, wild
  • Carpetweed
  • Cocklebur, common
  • Dayflower, common
  • Dogfennel
  • Fiddleneck
  • Goosefoot, nettleleaf
  • Groundsel
  • Knawel
  • Lambsquarters
  • Morningglory, annual
  • Mustard
  • Pigweed
  • Purslane, common
  • Pusley, Florida
  • Ragweed, common
  • Sesbania
  • Sicklepod
  • Sida, prickly
  • Smartweed, Pennsylvania
  • Velvetleaf
  • Barnyardgrass (watergrass)
  • Canarygrass
  • Crabgrass
  • Foxtail (including giant)
  • Fescue, rattail
  • Goosegrass
  • Panicum: fall, Texas
  • Ryegrass, annual
  • Signalgrass


Weeds Controlled Preemergence

Broadleaf Weeds Grasses Weeds Partially Controlled (Suppressed) Preemergence
  • Beggarweed, Florida
  • Carpetweed
  • Chickweed
  • Dayflower, common
  • Galinsoga
  • Goosefoot, nettleleaf
  • Lambsquarters
  • Mustard
  • Pigweed
  • Purslane, common
  • Pusley, Florida
  • Radish, wild
  • Ragweed, common
  • Shepherd’s-purse
  • Smartweed, Pennsylvania
  • Barnyardgrass (watergrass)
  • Canarygrass
  • Crabgrass
  • Foxtail (including giant)
  • Goosegrass
  • Panicum, fall
  • Cocklebur
  • Morningglory, annual
  • Nightshade, eastern black
  • Sida, prickly (teaweed)
  • Sicklepod
  • Velvetleaf (buttonweed)
  • Waterhemp

Always read and follow label instructions.